Sustainability training

Specialist training is available which can help you reduce your carbon emissions and operate in a more efficient way.

Find out what kind of courses are offered and where you can sign up for one.

View upcoming sustainability events for your area.

Sustainability training

Sustainability means operating your business in a way that protects the environment as well as keeping your business economically viable.

Training topics can include:

  • carbon footprint analysis and management
  • waste management
  • energy awareness and action
  • renewable technologies

Do an online search to find out about sustainability training courses offered nationwide.

Most courses are offered online. Both accredited and non-accredited options are available.

Green Skills Bootcamps

Green skills are the broad range of technical skills, knowledge, behaviours and capabilities that we need to develop and support a sustainable society.

Green Skills Bootcamps are designed to provide industry relevant training and sector-based skills to support net zero carbon targets. They are part of the UK Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee.

The bootcamps are flexible training courses up to 16 weeks, with a guaranteed job interview (where a candidate is being recruited to a new job) or new opportunities.

Training is free to individuals or those who are self-employed as long as they are:

  • over 19 as of the 31st August 2022
  • have the right to live and work in the UK

For SMEs, the training cost is 90% funded, requiring a 10% contribution.

Visit GOV UK to find a green skills bootcamp in your area.

Employers can use the list of Skills Bootcamps training providers to find local colleges and providers to work with.


Online sustainability-related courses

You can also choose from free online courses on sustainability offered by state funded universities and colleges and private companies.

Courses offered by state funded universities and colleges are inspected and approved by the government. Private companies offering online learning are not, so you’ll need to check to make sure that courses are of good quality.

Other ways of getting help

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