Make the SME Climate Commitment

The SME Climate Commitment is an internationally recognised public commitment you can make to:

• halve your business emissions by 2030

• reach net zero emissions by 2050

• report yearly on progress towards these goals

Making the Commitment means you agree to report your progress towards these goals every year.

How it works

Make the SME Climate Commitment today and start taking immediate action.

By making the SME Climate Commitment, your company agrees to:

  • halve its greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
  • achieve net zero emissions before 2050
  • disclose progress on a yearly basis

To achieve your net zero goals, your business should complete the following steps within 6 months of making the commitment:

  1. Calculate your current greenhouse gas emissions. You can use the Business Carbon Calculator on the SME Climate Hub or another tool as long as it gives accurate results.
  2. Take action to reduce emissions in key identified areas. Set short- and medium-term goals, such as switching to renewable energy and reducing business travel emissions.
  3. Track your progress. We suggest you establish where you have the biggest impacts and set annual reduction targets. This will give you a goal to work towards and help you stay on track.
  4. Let your stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, board, etc) know about your targets and how you are tracking. You might want to do this as part of a more complete sustainability report, internal report, on your website or in annual reports.
  5. Encourage businesses within your network to take action.

Business benefits

When you make the commitment you will:

  • be able to download the SME Climate Hub logo to include on your shop front, website and other marketing materials
  • use SME Climate Hub communication resources and social media campaigns to raise your voice and share your climate action story

In this way, you will be sending a message to your clients and your community that you are taking steps to do your part to address the climate emergency.

Make the SME Climate Commitment

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