Your net zero plan
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Understand your business emissions
1. What causes emissions
Scope 1 and 2 emissions
- direct emissions from sources that a company owns or controls (scope 1 emissions)
- indirect emissions from energy bought and consumed by the company (scope 2 emissions)
These greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include:
- fuel burned on site for cooking or heating
- vehicles you own or control
- refrigerant gases
- purchased electricity
- process emissions
The GHG Protocol (Corporate Standard) is widely used to report carbon emissions to the government, suppliers, investors and others. To comply with the GHG Protocol you must measure Scopes 1 and 2.
Scope 3 emissions
Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur upstream (from the supply chain) and downstream of your organisation (through customer use) .
According to GOV UK research, scope 3 emissions can account for 80-95% of a company’s carbon footprint.
Scope 3 emissions in the food and drink manufacturing sector typically come from:
- purchased goods and services
- the use of sold products
- employee commuting
- business travel including accommodation
- employees working from home
- water usage
- waste and purchased goods and services
For more guidance on scope 3 emissions, visit:
- GHG Protocol’s Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions (PDF)
- WRAP’s Scope 3 Protocols for Food and Drink businesses
2. Why you should take action to reduce emissions
Knowing how much carbon your business produces is an important step for managing costs and moving towards net zero.
In addition, many large food and drink businesses are asking their suppliers to calculate their emissions and reduce them.
Large businesses are collaborating with their suppliers to help them meet new environmental requirements in the procurement process.
Large businesses are helping suppliers to:
- prepare a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP): a document that summarises current emissions and plans for reducing these
- identify onsite energy reduction opportunities and improve GHG reporting
Visit how to become a ‘net-zero’ ready supplier to find out more about the procurement process and CRPs.
3. Use free tools to calculate your emissions
Collect data for a 12-month period for the main activities which release carbon emissions in your organisation.
Choose one of the free carbon calculators to help record your calculate emissions in metric tonnes per year.
This will give you an emissions baseline which serves as a foundation for understanding your current emissions.
You can use this as a reference point against which you can:
- identify where your emission hotspots
- measure changes in your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions going forward
Visit Measure your carbon emissions to find out more about what data is required and how to get started.
As a final step, you could also consider hiring a sustainability consultant.
4. Sign up for the SME Climate Commitment
Make a public commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 or earlier.
You can sign up to the SME Climate Commitment.
To align with the SME Climate Commitment, enterprises will need to do their utmost to cut their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% before 2030, using 2019 or later as the base year.
This means that Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions must be cut in half by 2030 at the latest. Businesses should also aim to halve their most material Scope 3 emissions by 2030.
You can publish your commitment on your website and in reports to:
- let your stakeholders know your targets
- show customers you are committed to reducing emissions
Get financial support in your region
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These support schemes and networks are available in Wales:
- The Boiler Upgrade Scheme gives £7,500 grants towards the cost of an air source heat pump or a ground source heat pump (including water source heat pumps and those on shared ground loops), or £5,000 towards a biomass boiler.
- Business Wales is a government-funded organisation that offers specialist sustainability support in regional centres
- Caerphilly Enterprise Fund gives up to £2,000 in matching funds to SMEs for property improvements, website costs and more – must be located in Caerphilly County
- The Green Business Loan Scheme is delivered through the Development Bank of Wales. It offers incentivised funding packages to support to businesses in Wales looking to invest in going green. There is also consultancy support offered through Business Wales.
- Carmarthenshire Business Growth & Recovery Grant is funded by the UK Government via the Shared Prosperity Fund. The aim of the grant intervention is to strengthen local entrepreneurial ecosystems and supporting businesses at all stages of their development to start, sustain, grow, and innovate, including through local networks. Grants available between £1000 and £10,000. Grants of up to £50,000 can be considered on a case by case basis for applications which clearly demonstrate innovation, Research and Development and/or future proofing projects linked to the local innovation strategy
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Take action right now
This quick wins section identifies actions you can take right now to reduce your carbon emissions.
1. Change your lighting
Lighting consumes 20% of all energy generated in the UK and is a major cost for SMEs in office spaces. Change to LED bulbs to significantly reduce your energy use.
Installing automated lighting controls, such as occupancy or daylight sensors will also improve your energy efficiency.
Find out more about how you can save on lighting.
2. Change your energy tariff
Switch to a green energy tariff with your energy supplier. This will reduce your reliance on energy produced by fossil fuels.
3. Save energy and money on heating
Heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems are the largest source of energy use for commercial and industrial buildings.
Quick, low-cost actions include:
- timed thermostats
- window seal for extra insulation
- draught excluders on doors
- smart meters to see and control how much energy you use
- solar film on windows
Find out more about how your simple changes to your HVAC system can increase efficiency and reduce costs.
4. Review and maintain your refrigeration system
You can reduce energy and emissions in the following ways:
1. Consider increasing the cooling temperature of your freezers where appropriate.
The Move to -15°C coalition recently secured support from Nomad Foods, Europe’s leading frozen food manufacturer and the company behind iconic brands, including Bird’s Eye, Findus and Iglo.
Results from Nomad’s 18-month study indicate that storing frozen food at –15°C, instead of the industry standard –18°C, can reduce freezer energy consumption by 10-11%, without any noticeable impact on the safety, texture, taste or nutritional value of a product
2. Install fixed point refrigerant leak detection systems to minimise fugitive emissions.
3. Use low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants and passive cooling
4. Establish a simple maintenance schedule to save on energy and costs. Your equipment will gradually use more energy and eventually break down if it is not properly maintained.
With refrigerators and freezers, make sure you:
- follow defrost procedures
- check door seals on cold rooms, fridges and frozen food stores
- keep chiller and freezer door openings to a minimum
- keep condensers clean and free of dust
- check systems have the correct amount of refrigerant
- maintain correct temperatures and avoid over-cooling
5. Reconfigure kitchen layouts so that ovens and heaters are not placed next to fridges or freezers.
You can find information in British Retail Consortium’s (BRC) Climate Action Roadmap to learn more about reducing emissions from refrigeration.
5. Decide if you need an energy strategy
Walk around your buildings to see if energy is being used efficiently
- look at lighting, machinery, heating, refrigeration systems and ventilation
- identify wasteful energy use and maintenance issues
- check at different times of day and compare day and night time use
- monitor over a period of a week for accurate average figures
- make sure equipment is checked and cleaned regularly to ensure maximum efficiency
Depending on the size of your business, you might need to implement an energy management strategy. An energy manager will help you:
- measure and monitor energy use.
- target ways to use energy as efficiently as possible
Find out more about developing an energy strategy from the Carbon Trust.
6. Train your team
You can train your team to be aware of energy efficiency in the workplace.
Start with simple actions such as water-saving initiatives and a ‘switch off policy’ in staff areas. Turning off and unplugging devices and lights when they’re not being used can make a difference.
You could assign your energy management programme to a particular job role or working group, depending on the size of your business. This helps make energy savings a business priority and ensures long-term action despite staff turnover.
Find a sustainability training course to help you train your team.
7. Switch employees’ travel habits
You could introduce a cycle-to-work initiative or encourage them to take public transport if you have employees. It also makes sense to offer work from home where possible.
Select lowest carbon travel options wherever feasible.
Find out more about how to switch your employees’ modes of transport.
8. Reduce emissions on food and drink
You can reduce carbon emissions by:
- offering locally sourced and seasonal produce
- highlighting ‘low-carbon’ options on menus
- growing or producing herbs on-site
- introducing a meat-free day in employee restaurants
9. Manage your waste
Separate and monitor your waste.
Take steps to:
- minimise waste by planning recipes that make efficient use of raw materials
- explore innovative ways to redistribute or donate surplus food
- plan and order carefully to avoid overstocking and wastage
- train your staff on product shelf life, expiry dates and portion control
Recycle as much of your waste as you can to prevent it being taken to landfill sites where it takes longer to break down and causes more emissions. Train your staff on your recycling plan.
You could consider investing in a food waste composter or digestor to reduce your waste.
Find out more about your waste-related obligations and how to manage your waste.
10. Manage your water
You can save on water consumption by:
- monitoring your water consumption for indications of leaking taps, toilets and pipes
- installing low-flow taps and toilets
- installing water displacement devices in toilets
- harvesting rain water using a water butt
- installing a water recycling system
Take longer term action
1. Make energy efficiency improvements to your workplace
You can make longer-term savings on energy bills by:
- insulating your workplace and replacing old windows
- changing from gas-fired heating to a ground or air-source heat pump
- implementing energy efficient heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems such as smart ventilation in kitchens
- upgrading to a more efficient boiler
- installing induction hobs in your kitchen area
Check planning permission guidelines before you go ahead with any structural changes to the property.
You can download a free copy of DESNZ’s sponsored BS ISO 50005 energy management standard via the British Standards Institute website.
The standard provides SMEs with a means to develop a practical, low cost-approach to energy management to reduce their energy consumption, energy bills and carbon footprint.
2. Invest in good quality storage equipment
Good quality storage equipment will make sure ingredients have the best chance of staying fresher for longer.
You should consider replacing kitchen equipment:
- that is over 15 years old
- with the models using the European A–G efficiency label
3. Install renewable energy
You might consider installing renewable sources of energy if you are the legal owner of your property.
You can install:
- solar panels
- a wind turbine for electricity
- an air or ground-source heat pump
With on-site generation and storage, you could make significant long-term savings on energy bills.
4. Reduce emissions from freight and logistics
Over a quarter of the UK’s carbon emissions are caused by transport.
You can take these steps to minimise carbon emissions:
- improve delivery routes to minimise travel distances
- use low emission and fuel-efficient transportation such as rail and shipping for raw material sourcing
- source raw materials for food products from as close as possible
- use appropriate delivery vehicles to maximise fill ratios
- reduce emissions when transporting refrigerated goods
Find out more about how to reduce emissions from freight and logistics.
5. Transition to electric vehicles
You can reduce emissions if you use a work vehicle by switching to electric vehicles. You would be exempt from road tax, congestion charges and parking fees in certain areas.
For easy overnight charging you could install EV chargers at your home or workplace.
Visit our page to find out more about installing chargepoints.
6. Use sustainable product packaging
Use packaging that is:
- compact – oversized packaging is often filled with unnecessary air
- lightweight – consider using packaging made from a single material to facilitate recycling for consumers
Replace plastic with recycled or compostable substitutes.
Eliminate single-use plastic straws and stirrers.
Use sustainable packing such as:
- plant-based packaging
- edible packaging – made from seaweed extract
- compostable and biodegradable plastic alternatives
- plantable packaging which is made from seeds and can be buried in soil
7. Get product labels and certifications
You can use low carbon labels (otherwise known as eco labels or green stickers)and sustainability certifications to show that your products:
- meet environmental standards
- are reducing emissions
Visit our page to find out more about how to get low carbon product labels and certifications.
8. Reformulate food and drink products to reduce emissions
You can also reduce emissions through ingredient substitutions and new product development. Actions include using:
- plant-based ingredients
- dairy alternatives
- lower-GHG food ingredients
9. Decarbonise process heat
Take steps to reduce carbon emissions from production and cold storage and move towards net-zero.
You can do this by upgrading to more efficient equipment, optimising production processes, and implementing energy management systems.
Visit these pages to find out more about how to:
- cut costs and carbon emissions from process heating
- reduce electric motor energy for heat and steam for manufacturing processes
- improve process cooling and refrigeration equipment and operations
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Make changes in your food and drink supply chain
To reduce indirect or ‘supply chain’ emissions you need to consider what happens before and after your business provides a service or makes a product.
1. Choose greener suppliers and products (upstream)
You can reduce your upstream emissions by:
- using sustainability-conscious suppliers who actively measure and disclose their emissions
- including energy efficiency in your procurement considerations
- buying products that take less energy to make, transport and operate
- helping your suppliers with their carbon reduction plans
You can ask your suppliers:
- about lower carbon alternatives for their products
- to sign up to the SME Climate Commitment
Tell your suppliers to visit how to become a ‘net-zero’ ready supplier to find out more about the steps they can take to implement an effective carbon reduction strategy.
2. Reduce impacts from the use and disposal of your products (downstream)
You can reduce downstream emissions by:
- making products that take less energy to make, transport and operate
- reducing water consumption and waste disposal needs
- making investments in lower carbon financial products
- giving incentives for lower emission activities in leased assets or franchises
Track and share your progress
You will need to regularly monitor and report your emissions data against your established baseline.
As part of the SME Climate Commitment, the SME Reporting Tool helps small businesses create annual sustainability reports and track their reduction efforts.
You should make your report publicly available to show what your company is doing to meet its targets and the impact of your initiatives on your company’s emissions.
You can integrate reported data into annual business reports, your website, or directly distribute to customers and funders.
Find out more about how to track and share your progress.
Get further help and advice on reducing emissions for the food and drink sector
The Food and Drink Federation (FDF)– offers its members guidance on decarbonisation. In 2021, they published a handbook for achieving net zero (PDF).
Find net zero advice in UKHospitality’s Roadmap to net zero.
Find more net zero advice and guidance for food and drink businesses in Scotland Food & Drink Partnership’s Net Zero Commitment’s Navigating Net Zero Handbook.
The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) provides funding for developing innovative products, processes or services in the food industry
Find out more about FareShare, the UK’s national network of charitable food redistributors.
The Soil Association is a membership charity which offers support for food and drink clients.
To find out more on how to engage with your suppliers, visit:
Related links
Visit our case studies to find out how food and drink manufacturers are making progress on their journey to net zero.
Net Zero: the basics in 30 seconds gives an overview of what you can find on our website to help you start on the path to net zero.
7 Steps to sustainability: we recommend you follow these steps to make a significant impact on the environment and society while also benefiting your bottom line.